Neglected Tropical Diseases Sector Summary

World Vision has over 25 years of global experience in the mass distribution of deworming treatments and other medicines (including gifts-in-kind of albendazole – ALB, mebendazole, zithromax and other antibiotics, mectizan, praziquantel – PZQ, and vitamin A), health and sanitation supplies, and food products. In collaboration with local Ministries of Health, other non-governmental organizations and private corporations, World Vision helps distribute medications and supports mass drug administration (MDA) for preventive chemotherapy on a large scale over prolonged periods in NTD endemic areas.

We also have a long history of providing clean water and access to sanitation and hygiene for millions of children and their families. World Vision’s WASH programs focus on 5 key aspects: water supply, sanitation and hygiene, governance and finance, water security and resilience, and behavior change.

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