Niger WASH Capacity Statement

After taking part in emergency response efforts during severe droughts and famine in the 1970s and 1980s, World Vision established a permanent office in Niger in 1995. Twenty-eight years later, World Vision operates 18 Area Programs for integrated development interventions, with development and emergency response projects distributed across seven of eight regions in the country. With support from child sponsorship, private donations, and foundations, our work in Niger serves those facing extreme poverty through sustainable development and humanitarian emergency response, with a special emphasis on children.

In World Vision’s Niger office, WASH is a key element for the achievement of our child well-being objectives. World Vision is a leader in the field of integrated WASH programming, focused on addressing WASH-related issues in collaboration with other sectors such as education, maternal and child health, and nutrition.

We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations:

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