Niger WASH in Healthcare Facilities Project Summary

World Vision has been implementing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) projects in Niger since 2003, benefitting more than 1 million people and making significant contributions to WASH access throughout the country. In 2017, World Vision worked with partners to develop master plans on universal WASH coverage for two municipalities, to define work needed and inform resource mobilization efforts for full commune WASH coverage. A gap assessment conducted as part of the master planning process revealed critical challenges with WASH conditions in healthcare facilities (HCFs), especially in the Torodi district of Tillabéri region. Access to and availability of WASH services are required to protect people from healthcare-associated infections and to help improve maternal and infant survival. This project builds upon the 2017 master planning process to provide 15 HCFs across the Torodi and Makalondi communes with access to improved, safe, and reliable basic WASH services.

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