South Sudan WASH Capacity Statement

This capacity statement summarizes World Vision’s water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming in South Sudan, highlighting four priority intervention areas: water supply and quality; sanitation and hygiene; governance and finance; and water security and resilience. Our work in the country started in 1989 in Khartoum, providing emergency assistance to people displaced by the war. Today, World Vision operates in four major zones of South Sudan (Juba, Upper Nile, Warrap, and Western Equatoria). World Vision’s multisectoral strategy there focuses on catalytic interventions in the sectors of WASH; health and nutrition; food security and economic resilience; education; peacebuilding; and child protection. This strategy is realized through a staff of 1,075 people and an annual national budget of $108 million from local revenue, as well as public and private grants.

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