Unlock Literacy Brief

Globally, learning poverty has increased since the worst shock to education and learning in recorded history, the COVID-19 pandemic, with an estimated 70% of 10-year-olds unable to read and understand a simple written text in low and middle income countries.

Unlock Literacy (UL) is World Vision’s  evidence-based model for ensuring that children aged 6-9 develop foundational literacy skills and are educated for life. Since 2012, World Vision has rigorously tested and refined Unlock Literacy, developing an evidence base for its effectiveness, adaptability, and scalability across contexts, particularly where children are most vulnerable.

Unlock Literacy works holistically across the education ecosystem, from homes, communities, schools, and local systems to build stakeholder capacities to support children’s literacy and love of learning, reaching children in an out of school. The model is designed to guide schools, parents, caregivers, and communities to make learning fun, creative, and child-centered, and is a response to the growing evidence of learning gaps that show a clear need to increase the effectiveness of reading skills development.

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