WASH Business Plan: Year in Review 2022

Our Roadmap to Impact: 2022 Year in Review is World Vision’s annual report on progress toward the goals of the global 2021-2025 water, sanitation, and hygiene business plan. This report is a snapshot of World Vision’s 2022 progress toward our organizational commitments to invest $1 billion over five years to extend the impact of our water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) work across 41 prioritized countries in six regions, with an emphasis on reaching the world’s most vulnerable, especially in fragile contexts.

World Vision remains committed to accelerating the critical work of the WASH sector at large in achieving SDG 6 — clean water and sanitation for all — while working toward the vision of transformative WASH for child well-being.

We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations:

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